For this first mint, we are making a small portion of LAND deeds available.
Initial mint priced at 3 SOL or 50k MODUL, with future mints starting at 10 SOL for Tier 01 and increasing for higher tiers.
Chance to mint higher tier LAND (potentially worth 40, 50, or 60 SOL in future rounds, depending on the market rate for higher tiers) at a cost of only 3 SOL.
A premium section of the Blockciti map will be allocated exclusively for AiriA holders. These holders will be able to swap their existing tiers for LAND plots of the same size on the Blockciti map.
Tiers 07+ only accessible through upgrades, not minting, enhancing rarity and value for AiriA holders.
Blockciti to independently set minting prices, schedules, and phases for remaining LAND areas.
Migrating to Blockciti costs 25k MODUL per tier; AiriA holders to decide on upgrading or migrating tiers.
Blockciti leverages Moduluc’s technology and services; MODUL is the primary currency for Moduluc Web Services.
Two snapshots for extra tier allocations; LAND NFT owners at snapshot times receive additional LANDs.
Limited supply for AiriA swap; three-month window for swapping.
Issuing and ownership of subsets of LAND plots, control over multiple maps or worlds, and revenue from minting minus fees.
Higher-tier LAND in Blockciti more scarce compared to AiriA; upgrading before migration beneficial.
Significant arbitrage opportunity with Blockciti’s initial pricing for Tier 1 and Tier 2 LAND parcels.
Last chance to upgrade to higher tiers, including the BUSINESS TIERS, before migration.